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Eddie B 2:49 Wed Nov 5
The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Kearley 2:53 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Alright chim, it was only a joke.

united we stand 1:58 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Big respect chim, *doffs cap*

The world would be a much better place if we had more people like yourself.

chim chim cha boo 1:47 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Kearley 11:26 Wed Nov 12

There's a lot more to that bus story so be thankful I haven't bored you even more.

Personally I'd love to hear a few more stories about you or any other posters standing up to complete cunts. It would make a nice change from spurs fans winding people up, someone hating Noble to the point where I wonder if the poster is actually mentally ill or even favourite crisp threads.

This used to be one of the greatest websites on the internet full of funny, interesting posts but boring, petty cunts with too much time on their hands don't seem to want interesting stuff to thrive and just post bitchy shit a 13 year old girl would be ashamed to write.

Kearley 11:26 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Chim, have you got the bus story on your cut and paste board?

Sod having to write that out every time!

Brussels Sprout 10:53 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Just returned from New York - glad to say lots of poppies on show from Brits, Canadians and Australians.

Northern Sold 10:11 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Eddie B 9:54 Tue Nov 11

Typical days work then Edward?

Metal Hammer 8:37 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
And me, 2nd/3rd floor escalator

bloodclot 2:58 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Great story, would love to have a beer with him!


Honest Hammer 12:41 Wed Nov 12
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Me too Eddie. 4th escalator up, dead centre.

Far Cough 10:02 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Anybody spot the twerp C+Ping on his phone, like mad in that pic?

Eddie B 9:56 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Yep, full bifta the lot.

Mr Polite 9:55 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread

Eddie B 9:54 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
I'm in this pic!


Hammer and Pickle 7:41 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
The scars, even 100 years on:-


Valley Hammer 7:37 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Cadet Harry's parents must have been very proud of him as he planted the last of the poppies at The Tower. Top lad.

chim chim cha boo 7:11 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread

I was amazed that when the bus thing went to court the oldest of the Somalis was 24 (and they had no excuse for stabbing this poor kid other than that he was 'in their area') and actually quite amazed too that he got four and a half years shovel. Youngest was 15 and got eighteen months in Feltham. I don't know what happened to the rest of them other than they were all found guilty.

I can't argue with anything you posted though.

, 6:59 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Chim, I think going to the aid of the lad on the bus was commendable. We live in different times to when there was more deference and parents trained their kids to behave etc. I realise now that politeness and consideration are seen as symptoms of weakness in an individual.

The bloke in the gym changing TV channels is probably brain dead enough to not realise someone might have been watching so he really meant no offence. The bloke in the cafe should have kept his opinions to himself but it was only words and when verbally challenged he wilted.

Bromley Reject 6:57 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
In bloody ASDA in Basildon on Sunday (not the one in the town centre - the other one at the retail park) A bloke was pouring money with the help of his kid into the "count your change" machine (or whatever it's called) This, despite the three or four announcements that the whole shop would be having a minute silence. So we're all standing there, trying to show some respect, and all you can hear is this poxy machine clanging away. To be fair, he did look up at everyone slightly apologetically, but what a slice. I looked up at the clothes floor at the same time and there was some other idiot (not a young bloke, a fella in his early fifties) clearly talking on his mobile. Disrespectful.

chim chim cha boo 6:46 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread

I get what you're saying but am I letting it wash over me or shirking my responsibility?

I think society is in such a mess because people don't get involved. Wankers run around unchecked and children think they run the place. Even if you 'look at the big picture' you never know if your intervention has actually taught them a valuable lesson. Maybe stopped them doing something horrible later or stopped something horrible happening to them.

I don't know if you remember or even read about the fight I had on a night bus a few years ago now but basically me and my brother were at one end of one of those bendy buses and a gang of Somalis had stabbed a kid in the head at the other end of the bus and he had hold of the rail while these kids stamped on his hands to try and drag him off the bus.

The bus driver just stopped the bus and opened the doors and there must have been thirty people between us and these filthy fucking animals and every one of them just stared at their shoes not wanting to get involved. These kids were actually laughing while they smashed this poor fucker up because they KNEW nobody would get involved.

We DID get involved and when the police arrived I was covered in blood from trying to stop the kid's head from gushing all over the pavement and they tried to wind us up so they could nick US, the driver wouldn't even look me in the eye when I asked him for the bag of tissues I could see he had (like I'd started the fight) and the whole busload of passengers slipped off so there were no witnesses around to say that we didn't actually start the fight. It was only the CCTV that stopped us being in serious trouble.

It was a fucking nightmare and I was surprised how many people said 'you shouldn't have got involved- you're lucky you didn't get stabbed' but I'm still glad we did the right thing.

I've said it before but I really don't think enough people take responsibility and I sure as shit wasn't going to stand for that muggy cunt in the cafe blowing off about Armistice Day.

, 5:57 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Chim, these two incidents as such are not overly important in the great scheme of things so why not take a different perspective and let it wash over you?

PS naturally I believe your posts.

chim chim cha boo 5:54 Tue Nov 11
Re: The 2014 Remembrance Day Thread
Hammer and Pickle 5:36 Tue Nov 11

Mate, our boy Isaac is the driest cunt on here. We should want him posting more, not less. I'm actually flattered that he took five minutes out of his day to cunt me off!

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